Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stop Over-Spending (“S.O.S”)

Help Re-Elect Johnny Isakson; visit http://johnnyisakson.com/

It is imperative that we change our budget process and put in spending priorities. In the 109th andd 110th Congress, I co-sponsored S.15, which would have reduced the federal deficit and reformed the federal budget process. Specifically, the Stop Over-Spending (“S.O.S.”) Act would have created a line-item veto mechanism for the president to use to eliminate wasteful spending and require Congressional affirmation for any deletions proposed by the president. It would have implemented procedures to automatically slow the rate of growth for mandatory programs if Congress fails to meet deficit reduction targets and reinstated statutory caps on discretionary spending. In addition, the S.O.S. Act would have created two new bi-partisan commissions.

The first would have studied the accountability and efficiency of government programs.

The second commission would have examined and provided solutions to the impending entitlement crisis.

Visit http://re-elect-johnny-isakson-ga18.blogspot.com/